Movie and Series Tracker Web App

About came to life during my 3rd semester at HdM Stuttgart when we as a group of 7 students decided we wanted to create a movie and series tracker as part of our Software Engineering 3 course. We split up the group in two teams, 4 people were going to work on the backend as well as DevOps and 3 people (including me) took care of the frontend.

I learned a ton during the project. It was my first time creating a real web app with React after just playing around with the basics of React at the end of my Web Dev Frontend lecture during 2nd semester where we also used class components instead of functional components.

I used a lot of technologies for the first time when building and it was quite intimidating at first. TypeScript, Next.js, Apollo Client, Tailwind CSS, so many new things to learn and all this while building the project. I wasn't sure if it was gonna work out but in the end it was a very helpful experience because I noticed that this is an integral part of software development. New technologies come and go so software engineers constantly have to stay up to date and never stop learning.

I learned the parts of the technologies I needed on the fly. I wouldn't call myself very proficient in any of them right now and I definitely have to learn lots more, but I feel confident enough to say that I can work with this stack and continue learning when building new projects when new challenges arise.

As one fellow student was already experienced with the Scrum agile methodology we used it to manage our project. We had weekly sprints after which we met online to discuss our progress and next steps and used a GitHub project board and issues to track our bugs, tasks and milestones.

  • TypeScript
  • React
  • Tailwind CSS
  • Next.js
  • Apollo Client